
Maui Prep is turning 20! Since its founding two decades ago, Maui Prep has become a premier college preparatory school in West Maui, providing an inclusive and dynamic learning environment for a culturally, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse population.

With strong support from our community, our Pueo soar— by creating and maintaining lasting relationships, opening their minds and hearts to feel empowered, and embracing relevance through educational opportunities and extracurricular activities.

How to Give to Maui Prep


'imi ola fund 

The ‘Imi Ola Fund is an unrestricted gift from the entire Maui Prep ‘Ohana, including trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents. Our goal this year, and every year, is 100% participation.

Maui Preparatory Academy has always relied on voluntary financial support from its families and the broader community to sustain and elevate its mission.Tuition covers approximately 75% of the cost to provide quality education, stellar athletic and arts programs, and to maintain our one-of-a-kind campus.

By making your gift on or before Giving Day on October 18, 2024, you allow Maui Prep to immediately invest your gift into our people and programs.


Unrestricted gifts allow Maui Prep to immediately invest your gift into one of six areas

2023-2024 Impact report

the work continues

Support Excellence in Our Community